Donation of Evacuation Chair

The Health and Social Care Portfolio is pleased to accept a generous donation of a brand new Evacuation (Evac) chair.  An Evac chair provides mobility impaired people with a safe and comfortable way to evacuate a building in the event of an emergency, such as a fire. 

The Evac chair and a small amount of PPE namely face shields were kindly donated by Christopher Thomas formally of Woody Ridge, Levelwood.   Christopher, now living and working in London as a registered care manager of a domiciliary care agency, expressed his desire to help our Health and Social Care services, via Saint FM community radio.

Senior Manager for Social Care, Gavin Jack Thomas, said

“We are delighted to have received this donation and extend our sincere thanks to Christopher for his generosity.  The Evac chair is a welcomed piece of equipment as we strive to provide safe environments for the people that use our services.  Thanks are also extended to Saint FM for their initial role in this positive outcome for the Health and Social Care Portfolio.” 

The Evac chair is currently in the process of being shipped to St Helena. 

18 February 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470