7 March 2022
Councillors Gillian Brooks and Andrew Turner, accompanied by Legislative Council Office Assistant, Shanice Phillips, (see photo attached) will depart St Helena on Wednesday, 9 March 2022, to attend the 2022 Westminster Seminar in London on ‘Evolving Parliaments’ from 14 to 18 March 2022.
The Westminster Seminar has long been a forum in which parliamentarians and clerks relatively new to their roles can come together to share experiences and develop skills essential to their roles.
Councillors Brooks and Turner will then travel on to the Isle of Man to attend the 51st British Isles & Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Conference – running from 23 to 26 March 2022, the theme being ‘Impactful Scrutiny’. Councillors and Shanice will return to the Island on 9 April 2022.
During the period Councillors Brooks and Turner are away from the Island Councillor Corinda Essex will cover the Jamestown and Ruperts districts and Councillor Karl Thrower will cover the Blue Hill and Sandy Bay districts. Councillor Turner will remain contactable via email: councillor.aturner@gmail.com.
Legislative Council
7 March 2022