COP26 Short Film Competition, Open to St Helena Entrants

COP26, the 2021 edition of the United Nations Annual Climate Change Conference, will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, between 31 October and 12 November 2021. 

A competition is now open to young persons aged 14 and 30 years, to submit a short film to be judged and featured at COP26. 

Films should be no more than three minutes long and should focus on:

  • What your community is doing to meet the challenges of climate change
  • What your community is doing to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems
  • What your community is doing to protect and restore land and soil and

the life it supports.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 30 September 2021.  Entry forms must be submitted via and the video must be sent to  You can use apps such as to transfer these files. 

Due to the tight deadline, St Helena Government’s Marketing Manager, Emma Weaver, is available should you need assistance with your short film. 

To find out more, visit:  or email:


16 September 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470