29 March 2021
The passenger who tested positive for COVID-19 on arrival at St Helena on 24 March 2021, underwent a further test after 48 hours. This subsequent test shows that the passenger is negative for COVID-19.
The passenger’s first test result indicated very low levels of the virus, to the point of it being non-infectious. The repeat test done 48 hours later did not detect any remaining levels of the virus.
Due to these results, the Health Directorate has advised that the risk to the community is near zero. Therefore, no additional testing is required for those identified as contacts until the end of their quarantine period and there is no need for further contact tracing.
These tests were confirmed by health professionals on island and signed off by experts from Public Health England.
The passenger remains in home quarantine where they will complete the standard 14 day quarantine period. The passenger will only be released from quarantine after a second negative COVID-19 test result on Day 14.
Any queries can be directed to email: communitycovid-19@sainthelena.gov.sh.
29 March 2021