Titan Airways Charter Flights, November – December 2021

Titan Airways’ Boeing 757-200 at St Helena Airport (July 2020)

St Helena Government (SHG) recently announced the schedule of the Titan Airways Charter flights up until March 2022.  This included additional flights during the peak season through November and December 2021 as well as double shuttle flights to Ascension Island.

It has since become necessary to cancel the second Ascension Island shuttle flight that was scheduled to operate on 1 December. This is due to insufficient numbers for this particular flight.  The demand for Ascension Island passengers can now be accommodated by the remaining scheduled flights.   

The schedule below indicates the revised times for flight operations during the period 29 November to 1 December:

DateFlight NoDeparture TimeDeparture AirportArrival AirportArrival Time
29 NOV 21ZT01410015 
London, Stansted Main terminal STNAccra, Kotoka ACC0715  Local
29 NOV 21ZT01410800 
Accra, Kotoka ACCSt Helena HLE1210  Local
30 NOV 21ZT01421000 
St Helena HLEAscension Island ASI1210  Local
30 NOV 21ZT01431410 
Ascension Island ASISt Helena HLE1620  Local
01 DEC 21ZT01440900 
St Helena HLEAccra, Kotoka ACC1300  Local
01 DEC 21ZT01441345 
Accra ACCLondon, Stansted Main terminal STN2055  Local

SHG apologises in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused by changes to the departing flight from St Helena to London, Stansted which will now depart 24 hours earlier on 1 December, due to the cancellation of the second Ascension shuttle flight. 

Reminder of full timetable:

Details of the anticipated days of operations* are listed below and the flight timings will be similar to those flown previously:


Bookings are on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. A number of seats are reserved on each flight for emergency travel i.e. medevac patients.

Persons wishing to book travel may do so via the Shipping & Travel Department of Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc. Bookings should be submitted to the Solomons Travel team via email: flight.reservations@solomons.co.sh or telephone: (+290) 22523 or visit in person at the Shipping & Travel Department, Malabar, Jamestown, between 8am and 3pm, Mondays to Fridays.

For those based on Ascension Island, or wishing to travel to or from Ascension Island, please contact the Finance Office via email: flight.bookings@ascension.gov.ac

Please note that SHG reserves the right to change dates of travel without notice even after payment has been received.

Customers wishing to book commercial or government airfreight for carriage on these flights are advised to use an appropriate freight forwarding agent to make the necessary arrangements.

*Days of operation subject to weather conditions at St Helena Airport.

3 September 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh