Minimum Wage Increase And New Minimum Wage Policy

Mimimum Wage.jpg

Executive Council, on 30 March 2021, approved an increase to the Minimum Wage of 7p per hour.

Effective from 1 July 2021, the Minimum Wage will be £3.25 for persons over 18 and £2.30 for persons aged 16 or 17.

In addition, Executive Council approved a new Minimum Wage Policy which sets out the principles for establishing a longer-term path to a more ambitious Minimum Wage, benefitting workers and providing adequate time for businesses to plan and adapt. The Minimum Wage Policy is available on the SHG website via:

In the coming months, the Employment Rights Committee will engage with employers, employees and other relevant stakeholders, like charities, to gather information that will inform a target Minimum Wage and proposed timetable for achieving that target over the next 3-7 years. These discussions will focus on identifying potential economic impacts including changes to business operations, prices, levels of employment, and consumer spending. A timetable for achieving the target minimum wage will be approved and published by the end of 2021 to commence implementation from 1 April 2022.

Any business owner or other member of the public who is interested in participating in this process should contact Senior Economist, Amanda Curry Brown, via tel: 22470 or email:

Minimum Wage Infographic

#StHelena #ERC #MinimumWage #MinimumWagePolicy

31 March 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470