28 September 2021
A General Election will be held on Wednesday, 13 October 2021, if more than 12 valid nominations are received on Nomination Day, which is 29 September.
Those on the Register of Electors effective from 27 August 2021 should know that if they are ill, physically incapacitated, or off-Island and cannot make it to the Polling Station on Polling Day, there is provision to vote by Proxy. This includes Saints on Ascension or the Falkland Islands whose names are included on this Register.
To vote by Proxy you must obtain advance permission from Returning Officer, Carol George, at the Castle. To get permission, you must complete and return the relevant application form by no later than 10am on Monday, 11 October 2021, (any applications received after this time will not be accepted).
Application forms are available from The Castle Reception, the Customer Services Centre and the Public Library. Forms can also be obtained from the Returning Officer, Carol George, via email: carol.george@sainthelena.gov.sh or Assistant Returning Officers, Gillian Francis, via email: gillian.francis@sainthelena.gov.sh and Clerk of Councils, Connie Johnson, via email: connie.johnson@sainthelena.gov.sh and are also available on the St Helena Government Website at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/legislative-council/general-election-2021/.
If you wish to vote by Proxy, your nominated Proxy must be on the Register of Electors effective from 27 August 2021 and they must be registered in the same Electoral District in which you are registered.
An elector can only act as a Proxy for one person and should vote for the candidates requested by the person, which should be no more than 12.
#StHelena #GeneralElection2021 #ProxyVoting
28 September 2021