4 May 2021
Executive Council has agreed for the Freedom of the City of Jamestown award and the Honour of the Badge of St Helena contained within the National Honours and Awards Bill 2021 to be presented at the next formal Legislative Council meeting in May.
The symbolic, Freedom of the City of Jamestown award shall be made by the Governor, in consultation with the Honours Committee and Executive Council, to individuals who are either St Helenian or non-St Helenian who are significantly admirable and worthy of distinction and have made a contribution to St Helena that merits special recognition. Such designation shall be in the best interests of St Helena and the betterment of its people.
The Honour of the Badge of St Helena shall be awarded by the Governor, in consultation with the Honours Committee and Executive Council, to individuals who make significant contribution to St Helena by supporting and/or enhancing social, cultural, economic, environmental improvement or the understanding of St Helena internationally.
The Badge of St Helena would be awarded to recognise the exceptional services by non-St Helenians; this new award will complement the existing Badge of Honour which is only available for St Helenians or others who have been resident on St Helena for 10 years or more.
A copy of the Bill will shortly be available on the SHG website: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/legislative-council/bills-for-an-ordinance/
4 May 2021