Education and Employment Committee Meeting – Wednesday, 14 April 2021

  • The Education and Employment Committee met on Wednesday, 14 April 2021
  • Risk Register, Training Needs Analysis and KPIs discussed  
  • Prince Andrew School Homework and Student Council policies endorsed

The monthly meeting of the Education and Employment Committee, took place on Wednesday, 14 April 2021.

The Education, Skills and Employment Portfolio’s Risk Register was converted into a user-friendly format and reviewed by the Committee. It was noted that the Register is a working document and changes could be made.

The Portfolio Director advised and provided evidence showing that the last Training Needs Analysis covered 75% of the identified training needs from both the public and private sector. This was the roundup for March and a new Training Needs Analysis will take place in June.

It was noted by Committee that currently no premises have been allocated for the Career Access St Helena (CASH) service.

Progress against Key Performance Indicators were given and it was noted that further updates were being worked on to finalise the end-of-year report for March.  Members were content with the update.

The Committee was asked to approve the Prince Andrew School (PAS) Homework and Student Council policies. It was noted that some changes were suggested resulting from feedback received from the Parent Teachers Association on the PAS Homework Policy.  The Chairperson emphasised the importance of following these policies. Members agreed for the policies to be endorsed subject to suggested changes being included.

#StHelena #EducationCommittee #MeetingSummary

18 May 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470