Community Engagement

  • St Helena Police conduct education and awareness programme
  • Different topics will be discussed each week
  • This week’s topic is Community Engagement

A significant part of the role of a Police Officer is to actively engage with the community.

The purpose of community engagement is to build trust and confidence in the Police with the community that we serve. There are many different formats of how this is carried out, ranging from general foot patrols in the districts, attending schools to interact with our younger generation, to visiting the elderly.

On many occasions members of the community are more than happy just to see a Police Officer on the beat and have a general conversation. This interaction is important as ultimately we want to build a strong relationship that will enable the community to trust us and trust that we will do our utmost to keep them safe.

In order for us to make every effort to keep our community safe we need the community to tell us what their concerns are.

Often you will hear people say that no one is helping them or things have been happening for so long that they just don’t take notice anymore. Please don’t feel this way. Should there be concerns that you have that may not necessarily be a Police matter, we will make every effort to take it to the responsible agency who should be able to help you.

We encourage people to approach a Police Officer should they have a concern or want to have a general chat about matters here on St Helena.

Our police teams have responsibility for different areas of the Island. This enables residents in the respective districts to feel confident speaking with familiar officers and to have the same officers follow up matters for them.

We also advertise when we do surgeries, however these have not been successful, and we have tried to create other methods such as having a drop-in session, door-to-door, or a patrol in different areas.

We encourage you as a member of the community to go along to see your Community Engagement Officer for a general chat or to raise an issue you may have.  Our officers will do their best to provide you with an answer or follow up the matter and get back to you, likewise feel free to enquire who is responsible for your specific area and give them a call, again they will be happy to help.

#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #CommunityEngagement

6 July 2021         

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470