28 August 2020
WEEK OF 17-23 AUGUST 2020
St Helena Police will be providing regular updates to the community on reports that are dealt with on a weekly basis. The reestablishment of Weekly Police Reports were requested by members of the public during the 2019 Public Opinion Survey.
The purpose of these updates is to ensure that the community is aware of what is happening on-Island to ensure we are ‘Altogether Safer’. Reports of a sensitive nature, such as sexual offences and domestic incidents, will not contain any details of the allegation(s).
Reports, which are recorded, evidences the type of incidents that St Helena Police are deployed to. In addition to dealing with these reports, Police have a number of regular ongoing operations including the current ‘Booze It, You Lose It’ Drink-Drive Campaign, community engagement and surgeries. Police resources are also used to deliver court summonses.
Police Inspector, Julianne Stevens, said:
“Despite our small Policing team, we aim to always deal with reports that are made and we treat each report as importantly as the other. There will be times when there is a delay, however we will still do what we can to serve you as best and as quickly as possible.”
During the week of Monday, 17, to Sunday, 23 August 2020, Police dealt with a total of 43 reports, resulting in three arrests.
There were two coronial investigations undertaken on behalf of the Coroner.
Two reports of theft were made, with both under investigation. The public is reminded that permanently depriving another of their belongings is an offence. All reports of thefts should be reported to Police as soon as possible in order to be able to capture evidence quickly and ensure a more favourable outcome for the victim.
A report of underage drinking was made, however no details were provided to support the allegation. Police will therefore include this concern in their Policing Plan to ensure this is looked into on a regular basis.
Two road traffic collisions occurred, resulting in both persons being arrested. While one of the incidents remain under investigation, the other resulted in a person being charged with driving whilst over the prescribed limit as well as failing to stop.
As a result of a road traffic collision, an offence of behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace was committed and dealt with.
Two reports were made of inconsiderate driving. The persons responsible were given appropriate advice, however should their behaviour continue following this decision, a different course of action will be taken.
A report of loud music was made and dealt with.
Criminal damage was committed whereby graffiti was daubed in the Duke of Edinburgh Playground toilets, this matter is still under investigation.
A report of verbal harassment was reported and dealt with.
A separate report of harassment was made, resulting in a person being arrested and bailed, with conditions, to return to the Police Station whilst further enquiries were made.
A concern was reported for a member of the public who appeared to have been assaulted however no disclosure was given. The public should know that no person has the right to assault anyone and, should they do so, reporting this to the Police is the best course of action.
A report was made of a person being drunk in a public place.
Two separate reports of fallen trees were made. The Agriculture & Natural Resources Division was contacted and the areas in question were made safe.
Further to the reports for the week, there are ongoing community concerns around use of bus shelters, loud music, abandoned disused vehicles around the Island, neighbour disputes, parking, and licensed premises. All of these concerns will be addressed adopting a multi-agency approach, with Police working in partnership with other organisations on-Island.
Upcoming community events during this long weekend include the 12-Hour Music Extravaganza, Scouts Sports Day, and a Sponsored Walk, all of which will require Police presence, organised during Safety Advisory Group meetings.
Should you have a report please call our Police Headquarters on tel: 22626. Our controllers will take your report details and make an assessment, which will then be followed up by a Police Officer. Details are pertinent, therefore please be patient and understanding when you are asked for information.
Until next week – Stay Safe!
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #WeeklyReports #AltogetherSafer
28 August 2020