Social & Community Development Committee Meeting Summary

  • Equality & Human Rights Commission Annual Report discussed
  • Committee agrees increase to Government Landlord Housing (GLH) rentals from 1 April 2021
  • Draft Immigration Policy, Elections Ordinance, Minimum Income Standard, Fixed Penalty Notices, and CASC Directorate updates all discussed on the Open Agenda

The monthly meeting of the Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) took place on Thursday, 12 November 2020.

The Committee was provided with a copy of the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s (EHRC) Annual Report and discussed key points raised within the report with the CEO of the EHRC, Catherine Turner. These included references to:

  • Being the first British Overseas Territory Human Rights institution to act as intervener in a Privy Council hearing;
  • A step forward towards the Commission’s goal of international accreditation;
  • The development of a Framework Document with SHG, providing increased compliance with the UN principles that guide the Commission’s work; and
  • Concerns over the provision of respite services.

The EHRC Annual Report will be laid on the table at a forthcoming Legislative Council meeting.

Favourable feedback was provided to the Committee on the ongoing public consultation on the Draft Immigration Policy. Consultation will continue until 11 December 2020.

The Committee agreed an increase in the Government Landlord Housing (GLH) rentals to take effect from 1 April 2021. The SHG Housing Management Office has announced proposed GLH rent increases and have put in place arrangements to engage with tenants about these proposals and explain the new proposals for rent setting.

The sub-committee to review the Elections Ordinance was in the midst of looking at further recommendations to the Ordinance which include election observations, political parties etc. The updated report will be submitted to the Committee at the earliest opportunity.

The Minimum Income Standard (MIS) Basket Policy is currently being reviewed by the Social Policy Planner.

Plans to progress Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) include the following: 

  • Specify initial offences to be dealt with by FPNs
  • Plan associated practical, administrative and public awareness arrangements
  • Formulate details for the drafting of Regulations.

Various updates and discussions on matters relating to the Children and Adults Social Care Directorate included:

  • Adult Services now have a full complement of staffing which will help to improve all areas of practice, compliance and outcomes for vulnerable adults
  • The CCC remains at full capacity
  • Supported accommodation now provides support to five people on a permanent basis alongside a respite offer
  • Training has been delivered service-wide in relation to value-based practice, person-centred care, epilepsy and safeguarding, with more planned for the future.

#StHelena #SCDC #MeetingSummary

27 November 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

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