Environment & Natural Resources Committee And Highways Authority Meetings – Thursday, 20 February 2020

The monthly meetings of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and the Highways Authority took place on Thursday, 20 February 2020.

Members were informed that the remaining signage for the Airport Access Road will be erected shortly. When the Road was officially opened, some signage was installed to identify named sections of the Road. This process is being repeated in the direction starting from the Rupert’s Jetty area.

Signage will soon be erected to indicate two-hour parking zones outside of Tinkers Shop and the London Gift Shop and on the opposite side of the street between Thorpe’s Grocery Store and The Hive. This is intended to keep traffic flowing and allow the public to park and have access to shops in this area for short periods.

Members were also encouraged by the work undertaken by those employed through the Community Work Scheme. The Roads Section was highly commended for the progress they are making in the rehabilitation of our road infrastructure, in particular the implementation of the slurry works. It is proposed to continue with this form of resurfacing and it is hoped that funding will be forthcoming in order to develop this process.

The Technical Team continued their monthly update on the progress being made with the Comprehensive Development Area (CDA) at Bottom Woods. It is envisaged that excavation of the access road and the demarcation of house plots will commence shortly, to include plots for Government Landlord Houses (GLH). The remaining plots in Phase 1 of this project will be advertised to the general public. In total, 28 plots will be made available in Phase 1. Expressions of Interest for the building of the GLH are currently being sought.

The Infrastructure & Transport Directorate is currently refurbishing a number of GLH units at Ladder Hill, Bottom Woods, Cow Path and Longwood.

Members also discussed the outcome of the risk assessment undertaken regarding the possibility of lifting the restriction on cycling on some of the Island’s roads. It was highlighted that this would be an incentive in promoting the Island’s ‘Go Green’, Environmental and Health policies. However, members felt that some additional mitigation measures will need to be discussed.

Members were advised that the Waste Management Policy and Action Plan that was discussed at January’s monthly meeting will be presented to ExCo in March. This is an overarching Policy and Implementation Plan which will support SHG to enhance our waste management model and to assist with the waste recycling programme. This will also contribute to extending the life of the Horse Point Landfill Site.

#StHelena #ENRC #HighwaysAuthority


27 February 2020

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