2 July 2019
The public is reminded that the St Helena Connected Group will be holding a workshop at the Museum in Jamestown tomorrow, Wednesday 3 July 2019, from 5pm-6pm. This is an opportunity for all to share comments/opinions with the Group and express what realising the Digital Strategy would mean for you.
Alternatively, you can feed in your opinions by completing a short online questionnaire via: www.bit.ly/sthelenacable.
The milestone in 2021 is to achieve ‘improved connectivity of households and businesses [which] will have a substantial positive impact on all socio-economic conditions on the Island’. To achieve this milestone the Group would like to know what ‘a positive socio-economic impact’ means to you.
Your views will help the Group consolidate a vision of what a digitally connected St Helena will look like.
The St Helena Connected Group is chaired by Councillor Lawson Henry and includes representatives from St Helena Government, Sure South Atlantic Ltd, Bank of St Helena, Enterprise St Helena and the Chamber of Commerce. The Group was set up in 2017 and has been working to ensure that the European Development Fund milestones are being achieved to draw down EU funding tranches.
#DigitalStrategy #FibreOpticCable #SEDP
2 July 2019