26 February 2019
The post of Speaker of the St Helena Legislative Council is vacant.
Anyone interested in taking up this position must be registered as an Elector on the Register of Electors which came into effect on 1 July 2018. Applicants must also be prepared to make a presentation to the Elected Members, demonstrating the personal attributes and experience that they can bring to the role, at an informal meeting of the Legislative Council to be held on Wednesday, 6 March 2019.
If you are interested in taking on the role of Speaker of the St Helena Legislative Council, you are encouraged to register your name with the Clerk of Councils, Miss Anthea Moyce, on tel: 22470 or via email: anthea.moyce@sainthelena.gov.sh by Monday, 4 March 2019.
Clerk of Councils
26 February 2019