14 June 2019
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is recognised every year on 15 June. WEAAD is an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding and raise awareness of abuse and neglect of older persons. This year’s theme is ‘Lifting Up Voices’ and the colour for the day is ‘purple’.
The Children & Adults Social Care Directorate is leading on a number of initiatives to give service users, residents and tenants an active voice, promote their safety and wellbeing, and improve their life opportunities. These initiatives are evolving and include: a regular health MOT in partnership with the Health Directorate and coordinated by Community & Residential Disability Manager, Nicky Adams, a resident-led committee for residents of the Princess Royal Community Care Centre (CCC), and a befriending service across the Directorate.
Quality Assurance & Policy Lead, Gavin (Jack) Thomas, said:
“For many people who live alone or without social companionship, life can be lonely and isolating, and if they have restricted mobility, additional needs or suffering from long-term illnesses, all this can lead to increased illness, loneliness and isolation.
“One way for an older person, someone with additional needs or someone with restricted mobility to have improved life is to meet regularly with a caring visitor with whom to chat, have a drink, a meal, attend places of worship, go shopping, or visit a place of interest.
“To celebrate WEAAD 2019, we want to hear from anyone interested in becoming a befriender of the Children & Adults Social Care Directorate. Anyone wishing to find out more about volunteering for this personally rewarding role, should contact myself or Assistant Director, Victoria Kellett, at Brick House on telephone number 22713.
“The resident-led committee is very much in its infancy but we have a promising chairperson who is set to be the ideal advocate and ambassador on behalf of the residents of the CCC. The committee will help us promote and reflect on equality in how we provide care and support. As the committee evolves, it will add value and a clear focus on decision making and inclusion.”
Together we can promote the dignity, respect and safety of our older citizens. Show you care on 15 June by wearing purple, fly a purple flag, light a purple candle, bake and share a purple cake, wear a purple ribbon and most importantly – make every day a ‘purple’ day for our ageing community on St Helena.
#StHelena #Children&AdultsSocialCare #AltogetherSafer #WEAAD
14 June 2019