26 April 2019
The Social & Community Development Committee (SCDC) held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, 10 April 2019.
Update on the Information Bill was that the Attorney General’s Chambers are still awaiting final advice from Foreign & Commonwealth Office counsel with regard to the application of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 to St Helena.
Approval was given for legislation to be drafted to enable restaurants to sell liquor from 9am instead of 11am in line with shops. Once legislation has been drafted it is proposed to have only targeted consultation with key stakeholders such as the Police.
Updates from the Safeguarding Directorate included:
- A qualified team manager for Adult Services will arrive on 4 May 2019
- Adult Social Care staffing levels are up to strength
- The team is reviewing its caseload
- Care plans are being updated
- The Community Care Centre (CCC) remains understaffed
- It’s proposed to move away from the existing medical model of practice to a care-based model
- The Activity Worker’s job role is being reviewed in consultation with SHAPE, Creative St Helena and New Horizons to include more meaningful activities for residents
- The Chapel at the CCC is to be brought back into use
- Employment of up to 15 staff from overseas is now going ahead.
The Social & Community Development Committee were voting members, Councillors Anthony Green (Chairman), Cyril Leo (Deputy Chairman), Kylie Hercules, Derek Thomas and Gavin Ellick and non-voting members, Safeguarding Director Tracy Pool Nandy and SHG Economist Nicole Shamier. The Committee Secretary was Anne Dillon.
#StHelena #SCDC #MeetingSummary
26 April 2019