18 May 2018
Waste Management Services (WMS) will continue their Landscape Bulky Waste Programme during June and July 2018, remediating and improving the landscape of bulky waste in the Jamestown area.
In June, WMS will undertake clean-up operations to remove previously identified bulky waste. In July, WMS will assist residents with removing bulky waste that impact landscapes and make public areas look unsightly. Landscape bulky waste in this context means, but is not limited to, end-of-life vehicles, old drums, pallets and machinery. It does not include domestic bulky waste (white goods, mattresses, furniture, garden waste or construction waste).
Residents who can identify bulky waste that impact landscapes, especially waste blighting public areas, are encouraged to contact the Waste Management Services Supervisor, Anthony Henry, via email: anthony.henry@sainthelena.gov.sh by Friday, 15 June 2018, to plan its collection and disposal (all waste collected will be available for recycling prior to being disposed of in the landfill). End-of-life vehicles will be prioritised where they free up public parking spaces. This offer is for residents only and is not extended to commercial businesses.
Environmental Risk Manager, Mike Durnford, said:
“We’re committed to helping our customers keep St Helena clean. This project, designed to remediate landscapes in the Jamestown area, is a hugely exciting milestone in our sustainability journey to achieve our mission statement, working in partnership with customers for a cleaner and greener St Helena. Jamestown is a large area; therefore the community engagement to identify bulky waste is critical for the project to be successful.”
The public is reminded to please dispose of their waste appropriately at Horse Point Landfill Site, which is currently open 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Please recycle as much as possible before any disposal into the bulky waste cell.
#StHelena #WMS #Jamestown #BulkyWaste #CleanerAndGreener
18 May 2018