19 February 2018
The public is reminded that nominations are currently being invited for the Certificate & Badge of Honour Awards, 2018.
These awards are available for the Governor to present to public servants for loyal and valuable service worthy of recognition or, in the case of other persons, for their loyal and meritorious conduct that has provided exceptional benefit to the people of St Helena.
The Certificate & Badge of Honour awards will be presented later this year.
Nominations are also being invited for the Acts of Bravery Award, 2018.
Nominations should ideally be made to recognise Acts of Bravery that have taken place since the last call for nominations in February 2017.
For more information, or to request a nomination form for the 2018 awards, please contact Miss Linda Benjamin at the Castle on telephone number: 22470 or via email: linda.benjamin@sainthelena.gov.sh
Completed forms should be returned in a sealed envelope marked ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ to the ‘Executive Secretary, Honours Committee’ at the Castle by Monday, 5 March 2018.
#StHelena #NominationsInvited #CertificateAndBadgeOfHonour #ActsOfBraveryAward
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19 February 2018