2 August 2018
In response to enquiries from smokers interested in quitting, the Health Directorate would like to confirm details about the Smoking Cessation Support Service and how to get a free four-week period of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
- The service offers appointments for smokers to get practical advice about the more effective ways to help them kick the habit for good. The nurses can also recommend the best form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy for the person to use. NRT makes quitting more effective and the nurses will discuss and advise whether nicotine replacement patches, gum, or medication will be better as the different types suit different people
- Any smoker who wants to try these can obtain a free four-week period of an appropriate NRT when they have been seen by the service. The free period ‘offer’ is available up until May next year so smokers can choose to attend when they feel ready to quit
- Appointments can be booked at Medical Records at the Hospital or by calling the Half Tree Hollow Clinic on tel: 23563.
#StHelena #HealthDirectorate #NRT #SaintsTogether
2 August 2018