21 August 2018
Executive Council met today with three items on the Open Agenda. For the first item, Council sat as the Planning Authority and considered an application from Connect Saint Helena Ltd to install Phase 2 of the Solar Farm situated at the Ex-Rifle Range Site in Half Tree Hollow.
The Acting Chief Planning Officer was in attendance for this item and took Members through the key points in the Planning Officer’s Report. It was noted that outline planning permission had already been given by Executive Council in October 2016 and that the application for full development permission was made in October 2017.
It was pointed out that there were new Members sitting on Executive Council who would not have been privy to previous discussions on this development. Council agreed therefore to defer a decision until a site visit could take place to view the area under consideration.
The next item on the agenda related to the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) which guides SHG’s planning and budgeting process. The MTEF process requires the determining of priorities for the forthcoming planning period and Council was asked to advise whether the prioritised list of strategic objectives should be approved as a part of this process. There was a late request by Members for additional information and it was agreed that the item should be deferred.
The final item was a presentation of the St Helena Tourism Marketing Implementation Plan 2018/19 by the Director of Tourism. The marketing plan underpins Tourism’s marketing strategy and Members were pleased to note that the plan includes specific actions to support Enterprise St Helena’s efforts to market St Helena to both independent travellers as well as to specific niche markets.
The meeting closed at 1.10pm.
21 August 2018