15 May 2018
Executive Council met today with two items on the Open Agenda, both relating to the Welfare of Children Regulations 2018.
For the first item, Members were asked to consider and recommend for enactment an amendment to the Regulations which provides a statutory basis for the appointment of a Children’s Champion, a role which is currently carried out on an informal basis. Members were happy to approve the amendment to the Regulations and to recommend enactment. At the same time, Members also approved the Terms of Reference for the Children’s Champion. It was noted that the current Children’s Champion will continue to operate in an informal capacity until the Social and Community Development Committee confirms the statutory role at their next meeting.
Council then considered the second item, where Members were asked to consider and recommend for enactment the Welfare of Children, Children’s Residential Home Regulations 2018. Members noted that currently there are no provisions in the Ordinance which regulates a Children’s Home under the control of the Directorate and that the amended Regulations now provide procedures and standards to address this omission. Council was happy to approve the Regulations for enactment.
Under Any Other Business, Members were given an update regarding the ongoing work to find a service provider for airmail coming to and from St Helena through South Africa. Progress has been difficult although a possible solution has now been found with a vendor willing to assist with providing the service. It is hoped this option can be finalised soon.
Members also raised concerns under the Closed Agenda regarding the issues experienced with transhipment of containers from the UK and were informed that options to address these issues were being pursued with the Service Provider.
The meeting closed at 11.50am.
15 May 2018