5 June 2018
The Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) met on Thursday, 17 May 2018, to discuss a number of issues.
A Committee member had recently held the first meeting with representatives from the St Helena National Trust, the Heritage Society and Enterprise St Helena, regarding to The Run in Jamestown. A site visit had also taken place that revealed several safety issues and the need for urgent maintenance work. It was noted that funding would need to be sourced to carry out most of the work required.
Commercial parking in Jamestown was discussed and the need for the previously agreed survey to be completed was acknowledged before any further work can be pursued.
Ongoing work to create additional parking in Upper Jamestown is progressing. The Roads Inspector and Committee Chairman will undertake a site visit to the playground area at the quarry to review the access to this area, speak with residents who may be affected by the increased volume of traffic in the vicinity and explain the reasons behind the proposed use of the area.
Roadside vegetation and verge cleaning were also discussed. The current weather conditions have made it difficult to contain the vegetation growing on the roadsides or overhanging the Island’s roads. The Roads team are doing their utmost to address this issue within their existing resources.
The funding for Community and District Roads was also talked about as it was felt that some clarity needs to be added in the offer letter emphasising that the applicants must undertake the works themselves, unless permission has been granted for specific reasons to engage the work of a contractor.
Erecting additional bus shelters around the Island was the next topic. The Committee will review the location of new shelters with a view to installing three shelters currently held in storage.
#StHelena #ENRC #MeetingSummary
5 June 2018