29 March 2018
A meeting of the Education Committee took place on Wednesday, 21 March 2018, in the St Helena Community College Hall.
The Committee approved the recently updated Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE) Policy for schools and thanked PSHCE Coordinator, Cheryl Bedwell, for her work in this area.
A new policy on Home Education was also approved. This policy sets out the requirements for parents and carers who wish to educate their children at home.
Members of the Education Committee approved a plan to begin development of a Research Institute to support and manage research activities on St Helena. The initial stage will see a detailed project proposal developed with a multi-agency working group. The proposed research institute is seen as a component of sustainable economic development on St Helena.
The Education & Employment Directorate presented a detailed outline of upcoming activities to support the St Helena Connected initiative. Key projects include policy development and a wide range of new training opportunities in schools and the St Helena Community College – critical milestones to secure funding for this initiative.
Updates were provided to the Education Committee on the Apprenticeship Scheme and on proposed Maritime training.
The St Helena Community College shared plans for an event in June to promote awareness of a wide range of both new and well-established learning opportunities in the upcoming school year.
#StHelena #EducationCommittee #SHCC
29 March 2018