31 July 2018
The draft St Helena Building Regulations 2018 is out for public consultation until Tuesday, 21 August 2018. This document is significantly important to all contractors, architects/draftsmen, stakeholders and importers on St Helena.
Deputy Building Inspector, Cliff Richards, said:
“The draft Building Regulations 2018 aims to fill a lot of the voids within the current Regulations. Examples of the proposed changes include septic tank sizing, thickness requirement for safety glazing, and safe locations for gas storage. It also includes a lot more diagrams in order to make the document more user-friendly.”
Building Inspectors of the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate are available for one-to-one meetings and/or small group sittings with members of the public via drop-in sessions to the Building Inspectors’ Office at Essex House on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 9.30am to 12.30pm to discuss the document.
Copies of the draft St Helena Building Regulations 2018 are available at the Public Library, Customer Services Centre, Essex House, Prince Andrew School and both hard and electronic copies are available upon request. The document, along with the current St Helena Building Regulations 2001, and a summary of the draft, is also available on the SHG website, under the Public Consultations section of the Publications page: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/publications.
Anyone wishing to make any comments on the document may do so in writing to the Building Inspectors, Environment & Natural Resources Directorate, Essex House, Jamestown, or via email: nico-ellick@enrd.gov.sh or
cliff-richards@enrd.gov.sh before Tuesday, 21 August 2018.
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31 July 2018