8 March 2018
The St Helena Community College (SHCC) Awards Ceremony 2018 was held at the College on Wednesday, 7 March 2018.
The ceremony was opened with a speech from Director of Education & Employment, Shirley Wahler.
Shirley said:
“We started the college very cautiously wondering whether or not we would get enough interest and engagement from the community for the idea of a college. We were very pleasantly surprised and a little bit overwhelmed because by the end of our first academic year, we had nearly 700 different people who undertook studies of one kind or another at the college. We had people register well in excess of 800 different courses – meaning over a quarter of the working age population of St Helena studied with the Community College during its first year of operation.”
Members of Legislative Council presented the awards. They were – Hon Kylie Hercules (Functional Skills), Hon Christine Scipio-O’Dean (GCSEs), Hon Clint Beard (ILM), and Hon Brian Isaac (Apprenticeships).
Awards were presented for achievements in Functional Skills in Maths & English, GCSE English, Maths and Statistics, GCE Marine Science and French, FCSE French, NVQ in Hospitality, Customer Service and Health & Social Care and ECDL (European Computer Drivers License) Full Award. Special recognition was also given to the first group of ILM L3 Leadership & Management students.
Chair of the Education Committee, Councillor Christine Scipio-O’Dean, said to the awardees:
“On behalf of the Education Committee and the Government of St Helena, I thank you for your efforts and commitment in your academic and professional studies. We all know that education does not end with GCSEs or even A-levels – these are just part of the foundations. Education is important for everyone at every level. We do need to ensure that every interested person on the Island has a chance to improve their skills which is key to ensure sustainable economic development for St Helena. To make the journey a success, we all must work together, with the same destination in mind – a community that values education, and an education system that allows everyone to achieve their potential.”
The event concluded with closing remarks from Acting Governor, Louise MacMorran, and a Vote of Thanks by Acting Assistant Director, Angela Benjamin.
#StHelena #SHCC #2018Awards
8 March 2018