10 October 2017
The Social & Community Development Committee will be conducting public meetings on the following legislation:
1. Marriage Bill:
2. Welfare of Children’s (Amendment) Ordinance:
a. Child Labour
3. New Domestic Abuse Bill
All meetings will start at 7.30pm. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings.
Venue |
Date |
Blue Hill Community Centre | Monday, 16 October |
Jamestown Community Centre
Tuesday, 17 October |
Kingshurst Community Centre | Wednesday, 18 October |
Harford Community Centre
Thursday, 19 October |
Sandy Bay Community Centre | Monday, 23 October |
HTH Community Centre | Tuesday, 24 October |
Silver Hill Bar, Levelwood | Wednesday, 25 October |
Anyone wishing to make any comment on the proposed amendments to the draft legislation may do so in writing to the Chairperson, Hon Anthony Green, Social & Community Development Committee or via email: tony.green@helanta.co.sh by no later than Friday, 27 October 2017.
The draft legislation will be made available in hard copy at the Customer Service Centre in Jamestown from Monday, 16 October 2017, and will also be uploaded to the SHG Website.
Social & Community Development Committee
10 October 2017