Councillor Thomas Unable to Attend CPA Mid-Year Meeting

Councillor Derek Thomas’ trip to Darwin, Australia, to attend the Mid-Year Meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Executive Committee has been cancelled due to the inability to continue the onward travel from Ascension Island.

Councillor Thomas, along with his wife Linda, was scheduled to leave for Ascension on the MV Plancius on Tuesday, 18 April 2017. This booking was cancelled after the decision was made by JFC HQ, for safety reasons, not to fly the Voyager aircraft to Ascension for their routine flight from 14 April 2017.

SHG is disappointed that Councillor Thomas will not be able to represent the CPA British Isles & Mediterranean Region at the CPA Mid-Year Meeting but hopes that an alternative member from the Region can attend in his absence.

#StHelena #CPAMeeting #Cancelled #Ascension

19 April 2017

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470