15 August 2017
Further to the news issued in July this year, the Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) outbreak in South Africa has now spread to areas in the Western Cape.
As per the Prohibition Notice issued on 20 July, the public is reminded that until further notice, all poultry products originating, produced or packaged in South Africa are prohibited from being imported or landed at St Helena, this includes:
- All bird eggs (whether fresh for consumption or fertilized for incubation) except eggs for consumption that can be clearly identified as having been pasteurised
- All chilled raw meat and offal from all bird species
- All frozen meat or offal from all bird species
Under section 55(2) of the Public Health Ordinance, Cap. 49, any person who contravenes the provisions of this notice commits an offence and is liable to prosecution.
The public is also reminded that live animals including birds cannot be imported without prior authorisation.
The St Helena Resilience Forum continues to monitor the situation and will keep the public updated.
The Veterinary Section will also continue to answer questions and give advice. They can be contacted on tel: 24724.
#StHelena #BirdFlu #AvianInfluenza #ProhibitionNotice #Reminder
15 August 2017