During the latest round of Councillors’ Constituency Meetings in April 2018, a number of issues were raised by the public on different topics.

Over the next few weeks, each Council Committee will be providing responses to the issues raised during the meetings. This week the focus is on Environment & Natural Resources with responses provided by the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC).

What is the hold up with the Bottom Woods Comprehensive Development Area (CDA)?

Plans are underway to develop this CDA. Finalising the infrastructure network is ongoing and should be completed soon to enable further works to divide the land into house plots and other relevant developments.

Can all Councillors publish a pie chart on how much funding was allocated to each directorate?

Council thought this was a good idea and will look to make this information more accessible to the public. Meanwhile, a pie chart showing the percentage allocation of recurrent funding can be found in the annual ‘Estimates of recurrent revenue, expenditure and capital expenditure’ document that is published when the annual budgets are approved each year.

Was a cost attached to the resurfacing of the road at Ladder Hill, outside of ‘Rosie’s’?

No cost was incurred by the Directorate or SHG. This was a private project and the entrepreneur of ‘Rosie’s’ under a signed agreement agreed to rehabilitate this park. This is still a public parking area and is used by the public who also attend functions at ‘Rosie’s’ and the ‘Blue Lamp’.

Can more information on Invasive Species be provided?

The Darwin Plus 0059 project addresses SHG’s priorities of Invasive Species management, adaptation to climate change, and building local capacity. A report on the initial progress of this project has just been published. Work in removing some of the invasive species from certain areas around the Island are ongoing in collaboration with the St Helena National Trust.

Has SHG accepted the Haul Road yet, and if not why?

SHG has not yet accepted the Haul Road. The road is still undergoing some corrective maintenance that has been addressed between the contractor and Project Management Unit.

The Roads Section are dumping rubbish at the top of the Ridges and also over the side into Thorpe’s land. Residents were concerned that heavy rains might wash this into our water streams and asked whether this should be taken out to the Dump instead.

A risk assessment was undertaken and the risk of any of this rubbish entering the water streams is very minimal. However, ENRD has contacted Thorpe’s to arrange a spoil area closer to the work site which will be more convenient to the Roads Section than having to transport material to the Horse Point Landfill.

Damage to roads caused by movement of heavy Crushing Plant still not repaired at Swampy Gut and the gate jamb at Lemon Tree Gut.

The gate jamb at Lemon Tree Gut has been reinstated and the road repair works have been completed.

Where will funding be sourced from for the new Directorate when the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate (ENRD) is split?

The plan to split the current ENRD is set to happen during the later quarter of this year. This division will mean that the two directorates – Environment & Natural Resources and the new Infrastructure & Transport (I&T) directorate – will be funded from within the current ENRD budget. The overall budget allocation for the I&T Directorate will increase as the reorganisation will include the works and operations of the Airport Directorate, which will move to the I&T Directorate.

 #StHelena #CouncillorsConstituencyMeetings #ENRC

Environment & Natural Resources Committee

18 June 2018

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470