Today St Helena Government publishes the Summary Report for the successful 2016 Population & Housing Census of St Helena – outlining the high level results from the Census (attached). The data which has been collected provides vital updates on the population and housing stock of St Helena and this information will be used to inform policy making and the development and planning of services for many years to come.

Some of the highlights from the Census include:

  • Resident population of St Helena now stands at 4,534, an 11.2 percent increase from 4,077 in the 2008 Census
  • The St Helenian population now stands at 4,122, a 6.6 percent increase since the last Census
  • There were 1,845 occupied dwellings on Census night, of which 1,698 were St Helenian households

As well as updates on the total population, the Census has collected a huge amount of important information about the details of the St Helena population and the way people live. This information cannot be collected so completely or reliably from any other source, and a big thank-you is extended to everyone who willingly completed and returned their Census forms – this information will now be used to the benefit of your family and your community.

Statistician and Census Supervisor Paula McLeod said:

“A Census is a vast and complex exercise which has relied on the hard work and determination of a close-knit team to make sure that the right Census for St Helena was developed and delivered within an extremely short timescale. I am extremely proud of my team and want them to be recognised for all of their hard work.

“I also want to say a big thank-you to the extended team – the enumerators who battled around the Island to complete their work, the people who helped others in completing their Census forms and everyone else who has supported the Census – none of this would have been possible without you.”

Accurate data is central to the sustainable development of St Helena and we will make sure that this data is used appropriately to inform decision making and planning on the Island. There is much more that can, and will, be done to further explore the 2016 Census data.

Short, topic-specific reports will be published as the analysis becomes available. Relevant information will also be made available in electronic (spreadsheet) format to allow users to further explore the data themselves and perform analysis to suit their individual needs.

Updates will be publicised through the local media and interested users are encouraged to visit the Statistics page on the SHG website at www.sainthelena.gov.sh/statistics or www.sainthelena.gov.sh/2016-st-helena-census/ to check for further updates.

Census 2016 – Summary Report



6 June 2016



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