A 448,411km2 marine protected area (MPA) has been established in St Helena’s EEZ since 2016. To help guide managers and users of the marine environment a Marine Management Plan (MMP) was created. This plan has been designed to protect and conserve the biodiversity of our marine environment for everyone to enjoy sustainably and ultimately for our enjoyment, recreation, education and economic benefit. Keeping the waters of St Helena healthy and productive into the future is important.
The Environment, Natural Resources and Planning Portfolio has written a revised MMP for St Helena’s MPA that is currently in draft. The marine team have designed a community consultation programme which will run from the 23 September 2022 – 21 October 2022 to help finalise this plan. We would therefore like you to contribute.
This approach to the management of St Helena’s MPA conserves not just environmental, but also social, cultural and economic values of St Helena, while reducing threats to those values. What we decide now will inform how we make decisions and manage our MPA for the next 5 years.
Check out our social media accounts for regular updates on this process:
Twitter: @sthelenaMPA
Instagram: @sthelenaMPA
Facebook: Nature Conservation, St Helena.
Please email marine@helanta.co.sh with any feedback before 21 October 2022.
- Marine Management Plan
- Marine Management Plan – Executive Summary
- Marine Management Plan – Frequently Asked Questions
How do we plan to consult?
Consultation Activities | |
Drop in Sessions at the Marine Centre | During consultation period on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1pm – 3pm |
Pop up stall at The Mule Yard | 30 September, 14 October (5pm – 7pm) |
Pop up stall at The Canister | 30 September, 14 October (11am – 2pm) |
Public Meeting at The Mule Yard | 5 October, 6pm |
Webinar via Nature Conservation | Social Media – TBC |
What happens now?
Everyone who has given their time to contribute their views on the Marine Management Plan – your submissions will be collated and considered in for the completion of the final version of the plan.
Will the MMP affect me? Will the MMP change how I use the Marine Environment?
There are many groups, individuals and organisations who use the MPA in different ways. St. Helena’s Marine Protected Area is a special place which aims to balance the conservation of the marine environment, its ecosystems with the range of values it provides that are important to the community of St. Helena. Values such as recreational and commercial uses, research, education, public appreciation and enjoyment and local Island culture.
We’ve selected a number of broad interest areas to show how the draft MMP might be relevant to you, your interests and what you value about St Helena’s MPA, which can be found on the right hand side of this page.