Jamestown Wharf Access Restrictions

Port Control would like to advise that a section of Jamestown Wharf will be restricted to members of the public from Wednesday, 13 May 2020, for approximately eight weeks, between the hours of 7am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

These access restrictions are to allow CAN France to carry out rockfall protection measures on the wall along Sisters Walk.

These restrictions apply from the first barrier, near the footbridge, to the end steps.

No parking will be permitted at any time from the first barrier to the end steps at Jamestown Wharf unless authorised by Port Control. 

Pedestrian access from the first barrier to the end steps will be on the seaward side of the Wharf Access Road.

Traffic marshalls will be in place to direct Wharf users to the walking routes.

There are no changes to the ferry boat timetable or landing point.

Unrestricted access will be available all day on St Helena’s Day (21 May).

The public is thanked in advance for their understanding and cooperation.

11 May 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh