5 August 2024
The St Helena Government (SHG) initiated a ‘live’ service delivery survey in 2021 to determine how satisfied customers were with the services SHG provided. Customers can score their happiness with 24 services offered by SHG using this easy-to-use survey and are invited to submit comments on how they believe a particular service might be improved. These services include waste management, communication and road maintenance among others.
The respective portfolios offering the services receive a summary of the survey findings and provide feedback. The portfolios will take into account any possible steps that can be made to enhance the services provided.
Infographics detailing the comments and feedback received regarding the services offered by the Environment, Natural Resources and Planning Portfolio and Health and Social Care Portfolio were the latest to be released since the start of the survey. To relaunch and remind the public of this ongoing survey, we have attached an infographic detailing some of the most recent comments on each of the portfolios in SHG as well as the measures that were implemented.
The Service Delivery Survey can be found on the SHG Website, in the Public Library, and also in the Post and Customer Services Centre in Jamestown. Alternatively, the survey can be completed online via the following link: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SHG-Services.
Hard copies of completed surveys can be sent to Information and Research Support Officer, Linda Benjamin, at the Castle, Jamestown, or via emailthrough linda.benjamin@sainthelena.gov.sh.

#StHelena #SHGServiceDeliverySurvey #CustomerFeedback