Safeguarding Training Opportunities July 2023

SHG are pleased to be offering a number of different safeguarding training courses between April 2023 and March 2024. These will take place on a monthly basis.

Training is free for SHG employees, charity staff and volunteers, and NGOs, and is charged at £10 a course for members of the public or the private sector.

The next available courses are:  

24 July 2023Internet/cyber security
25 July 2023Children’s Safeguarding
26 July 2023Corporate Parenting
27 July 2023Adult Safeguarding

All training sessions will be held at the St Helena Community College. Participants are to arrive at 09:00, with a view to each training session starting at 09:30. Training courses will run from 09:30 to 12:00.   

For a full list of course dates, more information, or to make an application to attend one of the courses, please contact Carley Peters, St Helena Community College, by email through

3 July 2023

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470