Chief Minister to Address 5th Virtual Island Summit on St Helena’s Renewable Energy Ambitions

The Virtual Island Summit (VIS) is taking place this week from Monday 25 September to Friday 29 September 2023. The summit is organised by Island Innovation, which represents a global network of over 500 islands in helping advance innovation and drive sustainable change across island communities worldwide. Speakers will cover all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to other topics relevant to island communities. This year’s theme is “The Race to Renewables: Redefining the Potential of Economic Prosperity Through a Just Transition”.

On Thursday 28 September at 10:00 (GMT), Chief Minister Julie Thomas will be speaking on ‘The way forward for St Helena with Regards to Renewable Energy’. She will be addressing attendees remotely.

The session will explore how islands around the world can be, and already are, at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution. It will also looks at how they can harness these changes for sustainable economic growth and social equity, in the pursuit of a greener, more equitable future for islands and their communities.

Participation to the virtual event is free, maximising the accessibility of the event to people around the world. Those interested in attending the event in person may do so at the Canister Conference Room from 09:30 onwards. Alternatively, registration for online events can be completed through

#StHelena #VirtualIslandSummit #RenewableEnergy


27 September 2023

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470