28 July 2023
Over the past two weeks of updates on the Agricultural Production Project, focus has been on securing pastures with appropriate fencing and clearing these of invasive and non-native species, along with pastures that had storage units and animal shelters constructed on them.
This week we’ll be looking at works that have been undertaken at the ex-Agricultural Development Authority (ADA) fields.
The ex-ADA fields are made up of 56.5 acres of land which are leased to ten individuals. 2.83km of track runs throughout the site.
Three activities were identified to be undertaken at the ex-ADA fields as part of this project. These were:
- Construction of a toilet facility
- Upgrade of 0.5km of access track
- Protecting 15 acres of land from rabbits
Construction of Toilet facility
No toilet facility was available for tenants to use. This meant they needed to go home or go to the nearest public toilet to use a restroom facility, therefore decreasing the time spent on site and reducing productive man hours
S.Doy Construction was awarded the contract to construct a new toilet facility at a cost of £12,422.00.
Upon connection of the toilets to the main water and wastewater branch the total cost of this activity came to £12,963.57. Toilets became operational in December 2022.
0.5km of access track upgraded
Approximately 0.5km of the track was identified for upgrade. This was done to improve accessibility to the site in all weather conditions and also mitigate against the amount of dust settling on produce, allowing for continuous operations within the estate.
A contract was awarded to S.Doy Construction for this work at a total cost of £15,066.00.
The track was reopened in April 2023.
15 acres of land protected from rabbits
15 acres of land was identified to be protected from rabbits by installing new rabbit-proof fencing or repairing the existing fence.
These works where broken down into four separate contracts:
Jason Bennett | LWN0256 | £1,144.90 | March 23 |
Robert Mittens | LWN0365 | £865.00 | March 23 |
Robert Mittens | LWN0268,452,453 | £1,525.00 | April 23 |
Robert Mittens | LWN0467 | £985.00 | March 23 |
All of these works will help to increase economic activities and productivity by developing the SHG agricultural estate.
Next week, focus will be on the refurbishment of the Poultry Units at Farm Buildings and Scotland.
It should be noted that all contracts advertised under this project, was carried out though open procurement and have only been advertised locally. The tenders have reached a wide range of the private-sector businesses.

#StHelena #EDIPProjects #AltogetherWealthier
28 July 2023