Live Shooting Session at Francis Plain

A live shooting session will be undertaken at Francis Plain on Saturday, 16April, and Monday, 18 April 2022, from 6.30am to 8am. The purpose of this live shooting session is to try and cull some of the rabbit activity on Francis Plain playing field which greatly impacts the surface of the field, and any remedial work carried out. Please note that this is the last resort as we have tried all other means to trap and catch rabbits, but with very little success.

Appropriate signage will be in place at all points of entry to the Francis Plain area.

The public is asked to stay clear of this area during the live shooting session and to be vigilant if travelling in the area.

Permissions for this session to take place has been granted by relevant personnel in St Helena Government.

13 April 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470