17 February 2021
The St Helena Community College (SHCC) of the Education & Employment Directorate will be conducting a Training Needs Assessment Survey on 22 February 2021 to update their records on the communities training needs and skills.
The results of this survey will assist the College with devising an updated training plan to accommodate the changing needs for the community of St Helena.
We are asking all members of the Private Sector and/or organisations to participate in the Survey to assist us in defining the current training needs on St Helena. The information collated will be treated with strict confidence.
Training Coordinator, Cherilee Thomas-Johnson, said:
“The year 2020-2021 has been a challenging year however the SHCC has continued to offer a wide range of training programmes to meet the needs of the Community. Our Training programmes consists of both local and distance learning opportunities at various levels and they are made available through both academic and vocational routes.
“By undertaking regular Training Needs Assessments we are able to collate the changing demands for training on the Island and thus provide training opportunities which the community will participate in and benefit from.”
The SHCC will be advertising the Training Needs Assessment and will shortly be contacting organisations to discuss the Survey.
All completed forms must be completed and submitted either electronically or paper-based by Monday, 22 March 2021.
The SHCC would like to thank you in advance for participating in the Training Needs Assessment 2021.
#StHelena #SHCC #TrainingNeedsAssessment
17 February 2021