Ladder Hill Box Junction Reminder

Box junction at the entrance of Ladder Hill Fort

The Roads Section has recently repainted the box junction (see photo attached) on the road adjacent to the entrance of Ladder Hill Fort.

The box junction is a yellow box filled with criss-crossed yellow lines painted on the road and is a traffic control measure designed to prevent congestion at junctions. The box junction allows easier access for Emergency Services, particularly the St Helena Fire & Rescue Service, and will maintain the correct distance between vehicles to allow motorists to turn at the junction safely and avoid congestion.

The public is reminded of the following advice when approaching this box junction:

  • Drivers and pedestrians approaching the top of Ladder Hill Road from Half Tree Hollow are advised to keep the boxed area clear
  • Vehicles should not stop and pedestrians should not stand on the boxed area at any time in order to keep the entrance clear. This will allow drivers coming up Ladder Hill Road to safely turn into Ladder Hill Fort (Colonnade/Fire Station area). This will also allow emergency service vehicles to exit the Fire Station safely without delay.

#StHelena #BoxJunction #AltogetherSafer

11 October 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470