10 December 2021
Today, Friday 10 December 2021, is Human Rights Day – the day (in 1948) the United Nations General Assembly adopted the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’: a document proclaiming the rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
In St Helena’s Constitution there is a chapter that sets out important Human Rights on St Helena, other Rights are found in our Laws. There are 16 Rights in St Helena’s Constitution.
The St Helena Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is an independent, statutory organisation which was officially opened on 10 December 2015. Its mandate is to promote and protect the human rights of everyone on St Helena.
CEO of the EHRC, Catherine Turner, commented:
“As human beings we all have the right to dignity, protection from discrimination and equality before the law. We have the right to self-determination, privacy, to freely access information, discuss ideas and practice our beliefs; to be tried fairly and treated with humanity if detained; and to participate in the formation of our government.
“Most of these rights are protected by our Constitution and should be open to us all no matter what our social or economic background, living circumstances, age, gender, disability or race. International Human Rights Day is a day to increase awareness of these rights which we should be able to enjoy all year round.”
For more information about Human Rights on St Helena, contact the EHRC Office in the PWD Yard, The Castle, Jamestown on tel: 22133 or via email: info@humanrightsthelena.org, or visit their website: www.sthelenaehrc.org.
#StHelena #UnitedNations #HumanRightsDay
10 December 2021