7 January 2021
Following an open procurement exercise, conducted in December 2020, St Helena Government has entered into a contract with Clint Stevens, of Half Tree Hollow, for the construction of a wheelchair accessible public footpath in Lower Rupert’s.
This is the first part of a larger wheelchair accessible public footpath which, upon completion, will allow the public to access the beach area when the Rupert’s Container Handling Facility is in operation from April 2022.
This particular portion of the footpath will begin at the Wicked Wahoo bar and run adjacent to the existing Fisheries Building. Works are scheduled to commence on Monday, 11 January 2021, and be completed in mid-March 2021.
The project is being funded under the Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) as part of the Rupert’s Wharf Cargo Handling Facility.
Members of the public will be kept informed of progress on this project and are thanked for their understanding during this time.
#StHelena #EDIP #Rupert’sDevelopment
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7 January 2021