26 May 2021
- St Helena Police conduct education and awareness programme
- Different topics will be discussed each week
- This week’s topic is Arrests
St Helena Police are currently conducting an education and awareness programme for the local community. Each week a different topic will be aired on local radio stations, issued via information releases and posted on Social Media.
This week’s topic is Arrests:
What happens if you are arrested?
Being arrested by Police can be a stressful and sometimes embarrassing situation but it is important for you and your family to know that if you are arrested Police Officers will treat you fairly and look after your welfare.
If an allegation is made to Police that a crime has taken place, Officers will follow all relevant lines of inquiry in order to identify what has happened, who is responsible, why they have committed that crime and where possible to resolve with either an out of court resolution or a prosecution.
A victim of crime has a right and reasonable expectation to assume that the Police will do all that they can to detect their crime.
When a person or persons are identified as having possibly been involved in the committing of a crime then it is right and proper that Police speak with that person to understand their situation, their version of events and identify any evidence which would support either the victim’s allegations or the suspect’s explanation or claim to innocence. If Officers do not speak with the suspect then they will not hear their side of the story to be able to take appropriate action in relation to that. This conversation with the suspect is called an interview and the suspect is entitled to free and independent legal advice whilst at the Police Station, prior to, during and after that interview.
If someone is suspected of a crime they might therefore be arrested and taken to the Police Custody Block to be detained for the purpose of that interview and perhaps for other lines of inquiry to be completed also.
If you or someone you know is arrested by the Police, it does not necessarily mean that they have committed a crime.
When someone is arrested on suspicion of a crime, that does not mean that they have committed it, just that there is a suspicion that they may have. Police will investigate fairly and without bias to identify exactly what has taken place.
You will have an opportunity in a Police Interview to tell your version of events.
When in Police Custody your physical and emotional wellbeing is a prime concern of the Custody Sergeant who will ensure that you are treated well.
Your privacy is also important and Police will not share details of your arrest with anyone other than the victim, Attorney General or professionals who are able to offer relevant support to yourself, the victim or other vulnerable people involved in the matter.
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #Arrests
26 May 2021