Updates from the Education and Employment Directorate

  • Additional homework for extended Schools closure
  • St Helena Community College open for self-study and online studies
  • Public Library revised opening times

Additional homework for extended Schools closure

As announced on 28 March 2020, all schools will remain closed for a further week until after the Easter weekend.  To support children in continuing their education during this time we have created additional homework packs for those children who have completed all homework previously issued.  These packs will be available from today, Thursday 2 April 2020, as follows:

  • Prince Andrew School students

Any parent who would like to request further homework from the School, can do so by calling 24290 and leaving a message with their name and contact number.  You will be contacted to make arrangements for collection. Alternatively, you can email the school via: enquiries@pas.edu.sh

Mrs Herne would like to remind her Yr 11 Child Development students to continue working at home, where possible, with their coursework.  Should you need to contact Mrs Herne about any aspect of your coursework, please call her on Tel: 24935.

We would be grateful if parents would kindly refrain from phoning any other staff member at their home.

  • Primary School pupils

Parents can email kurt.thomas@sainthelena.gov.sh or call the Education Learning Centre on Tel: 22607.  Please advise the Year Group that your child is in and make arrangements with Kurt for collection.

In addition to this children can also access educational activities online and through educational apps. Some suggestions are as follows:

Interactive educational game courtesy of the Marine Team from the Saint Helena National Trust in Apple and Google stores: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1500905722#?platform=iphone

Online Websites:


  • Jolly Phonics

St Helena Community College (SHCC)

The SHCC will be open for self-study and online studies from 8.30am – 4pm Mondays to Fridays but will continue to be closed for training and face-to-face taught courses. Students are asked to book a session prior to arrival to ensure social distancing can be practiced.   

Revised opening times for the Public Library

Due to staff shortages, from today, Thursday 2 April 2020, opening times for the Public Library will be from Monday through to Friday from 9.30am – 1pm.  The Public Library will not open on a Saturday.

The Education and Employment Directorate would like to thank all in advance for their support during this time and encourage all staff, parents, students and pupils to continue to practice Social Distancing.

#StHelena #Education #AltogetherSafer



2 April 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh