12 March 2019
St Helena Government’s (SHG) Public Opinion Survey is still open until next Thursday, 21 March 2019.
If you haven’t yet completed a form, you still have just over a week left to tell us what you think about SHG information.
Head of News, Kerisha Yon, explains:
“When we say ‘SHG information’ we mean all information that currently issues from Government, so this could be via press releases, newsletters, public announcements and committee meeting summaries to name but a few.
“What we want people to tell us is whether they receive this information and whether they understand what SHG is telling them.
“If people do not complete the survey then we will not know how we can improve our service. This is a perfect opportunity to let us know what you want to hear about from SHG, how you want to hear about it and when you think you should hear about it.
“I would encourage people to complete the survey which is available both online and in hard copy.”
The survey is available online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LRDWY62
Hard copies are available from the Customer Service Centre, Public Library, New Horizons and the Hospital Outpatients and Dental waiting areas.
We look forward to hearing your views.
#StHelena #SHGInformation #TellUsWhatYouThink
12 March 2019