23 May 2018
The St Helena Statistics Office has released a report containing the main results from the 2017 Household Expenditure Survey (HES). The survey was conducted between October and November 2017, and was designed to provide an updated ‘shopping basket’ for the Retail Price Index (RPI), which measures price inflation.
134 households participated in the survey, or roughly one in every fifteen. The new price of the average weekly ‘shopping basket’ of St Helenian households is estimated to be £229.48, compared with £149.47 from the previous survey in 2009. Most of this increase over the eight-year period is due to price inflation; goods and services cost more than they did in 2009. However, when price inflation is taken into account, the new basket is 16% more that the old one, indicating a small increase in the volume of goods and services purchased. The new basket includes a number of new item categories that were not in the previous basket, such as mobile phones. Some categories from the previous basket have also been discontinued, where expenditures on these items have fallen. The new basket will be used as the basis for the RPI from the first quarter of 2018.
The 2017 HES was a collaborative effort and sincere thanks are extended to the households who participated, and to the businesses that provided ‘hamper’ prizes for the raffle draw of participating households; these were the Rose & Crown, Thorpe’s & Sons, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc, the Queen Mary Store, Joshua Brothers Covered Production, Essence Beauty Salon, and G-Unique Designs.
The full report and the data used to prepare the tables and charts in the report are available on the St Helena Statistics Office website at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/statistics.
For further information, please contact the Statistics Office, by email: statistics@sainthelena.gov.sh, by telephone: (+290) 22138, or in person at The Castle, Jamestown.
Full Report available here: Household Expenditure Survey Report 2017
Data File available here: HES 2017 Results
#StHelena #Statistics #HES2017 #ResultsReleased
23 May 2018