23 August 2018
St Helena Police will soon be rolling out their Parking Enforcement Campaign, with the aim to alleviate the issue of illegal parking in the Jamestown area.
Police Officers have identified that the main areas of concern, with regards to illegal parking in Jamestown, are as follows:
Market Street
- Drivers are parking their vehicles on broken and double yellow lines opposite the Duke of Edinburgh playground
This practice causes a pinch point and disrupts the free flow of traffic with downward traffic having to be at a standstill for long periods of time.
Market Square
- Drivers are parking their vehicles on the main road alongside of legally parked vehicles in front of ‘The Bazaar’ shop
- Drivers also park and leave their vehicles around the ‘Clock’ outside of the ‘White Horse’ bar as well as in front of The Market
- Merchants are loading/unloading goods on the main road
- Drivers park and leave their vehicles on the broken yellow line in front of Greenlands
These practices cause obstruction and congestion and are a potential danger to other road users.
Main Street
- Drivers stop their vehicles on ‘The Roundabout’
- Drivers park their vehicles on the double yellow lines outside of ‘The Star’ shop
- Drivers park their vehicles near the Solomon’s main office building
- Drivers park their vehicles on the main road near Porteous House and goods are also loaded/unloaded in this area
- Drivers do not adhere to the two-hour parking. Vehicles are sometimes parked here for the duration of the working day. This does not allow people to park short-term if they wish to do so.
Napoleon Street
- Drivers park their vehicles on the pavement as well as on the broken and double yellow lines
- Drivers do not adhere to the two-hour parking. Vehicles are sometimes parked here for the duration of the working day. This does not allow people to park short-term if they wish to do so.
St Helena Police advises all drivers to park legally and comply with any restrictions, while ensuring no illegal obstructions are caused.
Once the Parking Enforcement Campaign begins, drivers who park illegally, cause an unlawful obstruction, or do not comply with any parking restrictions, will be approached and could be dealt with by means of prosecution.
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #ParkingEnforcementCampaign
23 August 2018