20 February 2018
Executive Council met today with only one item on the Open Agenda.
Council, sitting as Planning Authority, considered and advised the Governor to approve Outline Development Permission, with conditions, to alter (internally) and extend (externally at the rear) the Jamestown Court House, as recommended by the Land Development Control Authority. Council was keen to ensure that the purpose of the changes is respected, that is to protect witnesses and the jury from potential interference from members of the public. Councillors offered a number of suggestions about how the altered building should be configured. The full planning application will be brought back to Council for approval.
In Any Other Business, Council reconsidered their advice to the Governor in relation to the Rabbit Control & Destruction Trial Rules 2018. As had been noted during the discussion on 6 February, there was a period of public engagement, particularly in the areas where the trials were due to take place, as well as information broadcast on local radio. Members have taken the views of the public into account and have advised the Governor not to proceed with the trials as originally planned. However, it was recognised that rabbit control is a serious issue and that alternative means of eradication such as traps and repellents will be used.
Council noted that there had been a rockfall overnight, and that there was minor damage to a section of the wall on Ladder Hill Road. The road had been kept open and the Rock Guards have been engaged in the area and have ensured that there are no other obvious dangers. Members thanked staff for their efforts.
The meeting concluded at 11.45am.
20 February 2018