As part of their Neighbourhood Policing Programme, St Helena Police Officers will continue their ‘beat surgeries’ in various places around the Island throughout August 2017.

These surgeries are designed to take place in busy areas where it is easier for more people to attend (see dates & times below).

A questionnaire will also be available so people can tell the Police what concerns them most in their area. This will help the Police identify patterns which will then help them to develop a problem solving plan.

Police Inspector of Operations, Julianne Benjamin, said:

“The Police Service encourage members of the public to come to the surgeries with any concerns they may have.  In order for us to provide the best possible service, we need to know how we can best help you. If we can’t help you ourselves, we will contact other agencies that can. Please take this opportunity to voice your concerns and help us to make St Helena safer.”

 Beat Surgeries – Dates & Times




Tuesday, 1 August 9am – 11am Nr Longwood Supermarket
Friday, 4 August 1pm – 3pm Nr Hospital, Jamestown
Saturday, 5 August 11am – 1pm Nr McDaniel’s Shop, Cleugh’s Plain
Thursday, 10 August 10am – 12 noon Barren Ground
Thursday, 10 August 5pm – 7pm Alarm Forest Bus Shelter
Friday, 11 August 3pm – 5pm Nr Marcus Fowler’s Shop, Levelwood
Thursday, 17 August 12.30pm – 2.30pm Briars Village
Friday, 18 August 11am – 12 noon MTB’s Shop, Half Tree Hollow
Saturday, 19 August 10am – 12 noon Nr Williams’ Shop, Sandy Bay
Friday, 25 August 3pm – 5pm Market Square
Sunday, 27 August 11am – 12 noon Salvation Army Hall, Half Tree Hollow
Monday, 28 August 9am – 11am Longwood Clinic

 #StHelena #CommunityEngagement #StHelenaPolice #NeighbourhoodPolicing


25 July 2017


St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470