23 June 2015
The Chief of Police has announced this week that, following a challenging promotion selection process, two local officers will be promoted to the rank of Sergeant within the St Helena Police Service. Constables Julianne Benjamin and Jane John who have been with the St Helena Police Service for around three years will take up their posts on 1 August 2015.

Chief of Police, Trevor Botting said:
“I am delighted to be able to promote two local Police Officers to Sergeants within the St Helena Police Service. Whilst officers from the UK are required for a number of specialist posts within the Police Service I am committed to having local officers providing local policing wherever possible – and the promotion of Constables Benjamin and John will play a key role in delivering local community policing. I look forward to seeing their development as leaders within the Service.”
Chief of Police, Trevor Botting
23 June 2015